The Guts


Plex is the beating heart
of CorFlix. This is what
delivers the media from
me to your screen in all
its high definition glory.
Really, without this piece
of the puzzle, I’d just be a
data hoarder.


Sonarr is the TV Show
index manager. It acts as
a middle man between
the internet and the
download client. Sonarr
sits and watches for all
of its monitored series to
see when the newest
and highest quality
episodes hit the internet.
Then, it passes that to
the downloader.


Radarr is to Movies what
Sonarr is to TV. Just like
its Tv counterpart,
Radarr sits and watches
for the newest and
highest quality movies to
hit the internet so it can
pass them onto the
downloader for your
viewing pleasure.


The knight in shining armor. The only piece of the puzzle you CAN’T replicate. CARL is a Frankenstein’s monster, of my own making, that includes algorithm driven behaviors to constantly improve and add new content; even when you aren’t requesting it. He also handles all of the user requested data. He’s a busy guy, to say the least. That’s why he now has his own node!


What's new and what's coming?